Recommended Links To Other Beer Sites









Wallonian Breweries

Website addresses for breweries can be found on the individual brewery page.

French Breweries

Below are some websites that cover specific breweries but are not the breweries own site, those addresses can be obtained from the individual brewery page.

Brasserie Fischer an alternative site.

Brasserie Fischer - glacier beer site

Other French Sites

B.B.G. A growing number of the microbreweries, especially the restaurant based ones use BBG equipment.

Les Bières du Nord is in French but is a very comprehensive site featuring all of the breweries in the Nord Pas-de-Calais region.

Just Beer is the excellent site, maintained by Emmanuel Gillard, that concentrates on Grenoble and the surrounding area.

Other Belgian Sites

Benelux Beerguide was run by Peter Crombecq and was the most comprehensive listing of everything about beer in Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg. Sadly he stopped updating it in October 1997.

Confederation of Belgian Brewers is the collective body for Belgian Breweries and works hard at promoting their interests.

General Beer sites

Beer Paradise Based in Leeds (UK), but also have a couple of other outlets, they can supply many of the beers from Wallonia by mail order.

Beer Inn Print is a UK based seller of published material (books, posters and postcards) relating to breweries and beer.

Beerscene is Dirk Manuel's very impressive site that covers many aspects of the European beer scene and includes reviews of many beer related products.

Beer Traveller is Simon van Tromp's site and he offers the opportunity to be guided around some of the best drinking venues in northern France, Belgian Flanders and even farther afield.

Chris Buckingham has put together a very polished "Shrine Of Belgian Beer" with the emphasis on Flemish beers.

The Real Beer Pages A comprehensive beer resource. Includes the home sites of Michael Jackson and Stephen Beaumont.

Stephen Beaumont's World of Beer Excellent extensive site covering many aspects of beer appreciation.

Vanberg & DeWulf are American based importers of Belgian and French beers. Their site contains lots more than just a list of beers to buy.

White Beer Travels is the personal site of John White, a British beer enthusiast that has been lucky enough to work abroad enough to get well acquainted with the beers and bars of Europe.

Other Relevant Sites

Brewing Solutions is George Thompson's company and they have installed a number of breweries around Europe, including a few in France.

Day Tripper A site aimed directly at UK day trippers to France but containing a great deal of relevant information.



This page last updated Friday 17th October 2003